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    Incident Manager: Incident Variants

    Incident Variants   

    The Incident Variant form supports the Incident Tracker by defining different types of incidents, key users and a time objective for the closing of an incident.  The three standard incident variants are Health & Safety, Security and Privacy.  




    Each variant has the following fields defined:   

    • Responsible (User): The employee responsible for signing off each stage of the incident workflow in the Incident Detail form.   
    • Accountable (User): The employee responsible for signing off the incident once finalised.   
    • Time Objective: The number of days to resolve the incident – used in the deadline calculation.  

     The accountable user will be notified by the platform if an incident is escalated via the 'Escalate' button on the Incident Detail form. There is also an option to exclude weekends from the deadline calculation – set 'Weekdays only?' to Yes.  Additional variants can be inserted into this form as required. 

    Note: Do not delete any variants that are currently being used in Incident forms.  

     Next Step: Data Breach Notification

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