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    Incident Manager: Data Breach Notification

    Data Breach Notification 

    Once the incident form has been completed, the user will have the option to send a data breach notification ICO (Information Commissioner's Office). This will be required if certain types of personal data have been breached. If such is the case, the user will be able to fill in a Data Breach Notification Form via the open button. see below. 




    In the Data Breach Notification, you will need to provide mandatory answers to questions about the Organisation, the incident that took place, the data placed at risk. In addition to this, you will need to detail if the data has been recovered and if you have reported in the past two years. 




    Once the mandatory information has been completed, the “Notification Sent” button will be enabled. From this point onward, it is the responsibility of the Organisation to send the notification to the ICO by following the steps outlined on the form, see below. The SureCloud platform provides functionality for the completed to be converted into a PDF. Once the document has been sent to the ICO, the ‘Notification Sent’ can be clicked and evidence of sending the notification should be uploaded in the ‘Notification’ field. Once the ICO has responded, the ICO Case Ref# can be updated in the top right of the form, and the email should be attached to the ‘Response’ field. 





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